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5 Common Weight loss Mistakes

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

5 common weight loss mistakes you might be making !

Looking at weight loss as a diet

  • Complete elimination of bad foods - This is unsustainable and promotes a temporary mindset. We want to strive for a lifestyle of health and wellness!

  • Low fat & diet foods are unhealthy - Be aware of anything labeled "low fat" "low carb" "sugar free" etc. These foods tend to be highly processed. The healthiest options are the ones found in the outer corners of the grocery store- fruits and vegetables, unprocessed meats, dairy, nuts and seeds etc.

Exercising only to “burn calories”

  • If you don't exercise at all while restricting calories, you're likely to lose more muscle mass and experience a decrease in metabolic rate.

  • By contrast, exercising helps minimize the amount of lean mass you lose, boost fat loss and prevent your metabolism from slowing down. The more lean mass you have, the easier it is to lose weight and maintain the weight loss

  • Weightlifting or resistance training can help boost metabolic rate, increase muscle mass and promote fat loss, including belly fat.

  • Studies show people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burn during exercise.

Only focusing on your scale weight .

  • Weight can fluctuate due to water, undigested food, sodium, hormones, muscle mass

  • Take an inventory before weighing self

  • Muscle weighs more than fat

Eating too many or too few calories

  • In a two-week study, 10 obese people reported consuming 1,000 calories per day. Lab testing showed they were actually taking in about 2,000 calories per day

  • Studies on very low-calorie diets providing less than 1,000 calories per day show they can lead to muscle loss and significantly slow down metabolism

Protein & Fiber

  • Can reduce appetite, increase feelings of fullness, decrease calorie intake, increase metabolic rate and protect muscle mass during weight loss

  • A study compared a 350-calorie cereal-based breakfast with a 350-calorie high-protein breakfast and found that the higher-protein meal was associated with reduced hunger and feeling more full, per the April 2013 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

  • Eating enough fiber can help reduce appetite by filling you up so you eat less. It may also help you absorb fewer calories from other foods.

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